Clinical Research Site - Northern Cape

Expand Clinical Trials to the Northern Cape with Trident Clinical as your dedicated Clinical Research partner.


Your Clinical Research partner in the Northern Cape

Reach the potential of high-quality clinical trial data in an untapped area with us

At Trident Clinical, we are your dedicated partner in advancing medical research within the unique landscape of the Northern Cape. With a commitment to excellence, our experienced investigators and dedicated staff ensure seamless collaboration, quick turnaround times, and high recruitment rates. Partner with us today.

Northern Cape, South Africa

Fully equipped to conduct various Clinical Trials

We are constantly improving our facilities, resources, and experience to provide a streamlined approach for CRO’s and Sponsors. 

What We Offer

A Clinical Research Site and Medical Practice combined

We have the necessary resources and expertise to conduct Phase I through Phase IV Clinical Trials. Our integration with Trident Med – our own medical practice, allows us to steadily accumulate a comprehensive database of patients.

Acute & Chronic Disease

Explore collaborative research opportunities addressing both acute and chronic diseases to gather critical data for therapeutic advancements and improved patient outcomes.

Trauma Trials

Drive innovation in trauma care protocols, and contribute crucial data for the development of cutting-edge interventions in emergency medicine.

Cardiovascular Disease

Collaborate with us in groundbreaking cardiology studies and shape the landscape of cardiovascular medicine with novel therapies and intervention strategies.

Infectious Disease

Our experienced team offers CROs and Sponsors the expertise needed for trials focused on innovative treatments, vaccines, and preventive measures.

Healthy Volunteer

Research aimed at preventive medicine, offering a wealth of experience and a dedicated approach to providing valuable data for a broad spectrum of health-related studies.

Metabolic Disease

Collaborate with Trident Clinical on pioneering metabolic research to advance therapeutic development in diabetes, obesity, and related disorders.

Current Studies

These studies present a unique opportunity for individuals to contribute to cutting-edge medical research. If you are interested in participating or learning more about this active trial, kindly reach out to our dedicated study team for comprehensive information and enrollment details.

Clinical ID: NCT06062238

Study ID Number: Gates MRI-TBV02-301


The study is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter, clinical trial to assess the prophylactic efficacy, safety, and immunogenicity of the investigational M72/AS01E-4 Mtb vaccine when administered intramuscularly (IM) on a 0,1-month schedule to adolescents and adults. This trial will be conducted in 3 cohorts: Interferon gamma release assay (IGRA)-positive Cohort, IGRA-Negative Cohort and Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Cohort.

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Approved Resources:

Click to Download Study Brochure (currently unavailable)

Contact Information:

Reach out with questions or concerns.

Trident Clinical Offices : (+27) 53 050 1257 | 12 Angel Street, New Park, Kimberley, 8301 | ID : NCT05531149

Study Number: TRICOVID


The main objectives of the trial are to assess the efficacy and safety of trimodulin as adjunctive treatment to standard of care (SoC) compared to placebo plus SoC in adult hospitalized subjects with non-severe community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) or moderate / severe Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia.

Other objectives are to determine pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) properties of trimodulin.

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Approved Resources:

Click to Download Study Brochure (currently unavailable)

Contact Information:

Reach out with questions or concerns.

Trident Clinical Offices : (+27) 53 050 1257 | 12 Angel Street, New Park, Kimberley, 8301 | ID: NCT05569005

Study ID Number: P1-COPD-04-INT


The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the slowing of the disease progression including the improvement of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) symptoms in smoking subjects with mild to moderate COPD and a history of chronic bronchitis symptoms (sputum and cough) who switch to the Tobacco Heating System (THS) as compared to those who continue to smoke cigarettes.

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Approved Resources:

Click to Download Study Brochure (currently unavailable)

Contact Information:

Reach out with questions or concerns.

Trident Clinical Offices : (+27) 53 050 1257 | 12 Angel Street, New Park, Kimberley, 8301 |

Past Studies

Closed clinical trials that have contributed to medical knowledge and advancements. While enrollment for these studies has concluded, their outcomes continue to shape the future of healthcare. For more details on the findings and impact of our past studies, feel free to connect with our research team. ID: NCT03338218

Study ID Number: HC-G-H-1505


The aim of the study is to investigate the safety of a 6% hydroxyethyl starch (HES) solution (Volulyte 6%) versus an electrolyte solution (Ionolyte) in trauma patients.

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Total Participants enrolled by Trident Clinical: 164 ID: NCT05190146

Study ID Number: Gates MRI TBV02-E01


The purpose of this study is to conduct a multi-country, multi-site, epidemiologic study designed to assess the proportion of interferon gamma release assay (IGRA) positivity, at site level, and to build capacity to conduct a future TB vaccine efficacy study.

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Total Participants enrolled by Trident Clinical: 140

Northern Cape, South Africa

Clinical Research Professionals

The Northern Cape is a research naïve area, with no dedicated trial sites besides Trident Clinical. This leaves an untapped and largely unsaturated market making Kimberley an ideal location to conduct Clinical Trials.

Professional Staff
0 +
CRO's / Sponsors
0 +
0 +
Patient Database
0 +

Why Choose Us

Extend Clinical Research to the Northern Cape

Trident Clinical comes with a variety of benefits – from qualified and experienced staff, specialized equipment, a strong location, and a combined Medical Practice.

Centrally Located

Kimberley has recently developed 2 new hospitals as well as a university. The surrounding areas also drain to these hospitals as this is the closest tertiary healthcare facility.

Experienced Management

Our team is led by a Mr. Mohamed Ebrahim Essop - a former Clinical Research Manager at the University of Cape Town - Wellcome Centre for Infectious Diseases Research in Africa (CIDRI-Africa). Ebrahim is highly experienced in the research fields of TB/HIV, Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Diabetes.

Medical Doctor On-site

We have a dedicated Medical Doctor seeing patients at our Medical Practice - this massively contributes to our patient acquisition and retention.

0 +

Years Experience

Mr. Mohamed Ebrahim Essop is the founder and CEO of Trident Clinical.

Want to work with us?
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Partner with us

Get in touch with our team to begin a feasibility process

Our team collaborates with a network of doctors in Kimberley to provide quick turnaround times for feasibility processes.

Contact Us

+27 53 050 1257

Office Hours

8:00am - 4:00pm

Meet Our Pharmacist

Your Partner in Health and Healing

Natoque fusce et orci molestie condimentum montes cras ex mauris finibus in. Odio iaculis sed nec maecenas lobortis arcu.

Vivienne Lewis


William Painter

Head Office Manager

Sarah Barnes

Warehouse Manager


What Our Customer are Saying

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Molestie odio inceptos adipiscing dui dictum. Sodales aptent hac tristique integer nullam in vestibulum. Hac feugiat placerat laoreet fames pharetra pede imperdiet sodales in.

Robert J. Adams CEO of Dragonfly

Molestie odio inceptos adipiscing dui dictum. Sodales aptent hac tristique integer nullam in vestibulum. Hac feugiat placerat laoreet fames pharetra pede imperdiet sodales in.

Anita D. Costin Manager

Molestie odio inceptos adipiscing dui dictum. Sodales aptent hac tristique integer nullam in vestibulum. Hac feugiat placerat laoreet fames pharetra pede imperdiet sodales in.

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